Okra Creole Style

Please Try this side dish from St Lucia


16 Okras , sliced
1 Large Onion , Thinly Sliced
1 Green Pepper , seeded and chopped
2 Garlic Cloves , Crushed
1 Tin of Chopped Tomatoes
250g of sweet corn
juice of 1/2 lime
dash of hot pepper sauce
Fresh Coriander to garnish


1) Heat some oil and add the onion , Green Pepper and Garlic , cook  until slightly browned on a medium heat
2) Add the Okra and cook for a further 5 minutes
3)Add the Tomatoes , Corn , season with salt and pepper and add the lime juice and reduce the heat to a low heat for 15-20 minutes, until the okra are soft and the sauce is thickened
4) Just before serving  add a dash of Hot pepper sauce and garnish with Coriander


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