Berry Custard Tart

This is Cake is light and is perfect for the days where you are a heavy meal but fancy something sweet .


250 Grams of Plain Flour
25 grams of Ground Almonds
140 Grams Unsalted Butter , Diced
100 Grams of Golden Caster Sugar
4 Eggs
500 grams of  ready-made vanilla custard
55 grams of Lavender Sugar
Mix of Berries to cover the cake
Icing sugar and mint leaves to serve ( Optional)


1) Preheat the Oven to 200 oC. Place the Flour , Ground Almonds, Butter and Caster Sugar into a food processor and pulse into fine breadcrumbs.
2) Add 1 Egg and whizz until the mixture  forms a soft dough
3) wrap in clingfilm and place this dough in the fridge for 20 minutes
4)Roll out pastry on a lightly floured work surface and use to line any cake tin with a loose bottom fluted cake tin.
5) Line the pastry case with baking paper and pasta or beans to prevent rising. Bake for 20 minutes.
6) Remove the paper and bake  for a further 5 minutes at 160 oC.
7) Whisk the remaining  eggs , Custard , lavender sugar and pour into the pastry and case and bake for 30 minutes until just set, leave to cook.
8) Scatter with Fresh Fruit and Enjoy.

How to make Lavender Sugar

If you cant buy Lavender Sugar then making it yourself is very simple , all you need to do is get a small jar and fill with sugar and add about 2 tablespoons of lavender. Shake it every day and within 5 days the lavender scent would have infused the sugar to create Lavender Sugar. Before you use the sugar remember to sieve it so pieces of  lavender aren't added to  your baking.


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