Jamaican Bananas

Jamaican  Bananas is an incredibly easy dish to prepare, whenever I eat this dish  it transports me back to the Caribbean , a place I adore. The Rum is a quintessentially  ingredient in Caribbean cooking and I personally think its the best flavour enhancer of all the Liqueurs. Do serve this with Vanilla Ice cream as this  compliments the rum flavour perfectly.


4 Bananas , Ripe and Peeled
4 Tablespoons Brown sugar
4 Teaspoons of butter , cut into small pieces
1 Cup of Orange Juice
1 Tablespoon of Dark Rum
Vanilla Ice cream to Serve


1)Preheat the Oven to 180 oC.
2) In a greased baking Dish , place the bananas , add the  butter and sugar evenly,
3) Mix the  orange juice and rum and pour around the bananas
4) cook for 20 minutes  serve with ice cream


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