Shandong Chicken

This is a version of  sweet and sour chicken specific to the Shandong region of China


4 Cloves of Garlic Minced
Enough chicken for 4 people cut into bite sized chunks
1 Spring onion , white part only , silvered


1 Fresh Red Chili , deseeded and sliced
4 Cloves of Garlic Sliced
1 Teaspoon of Chilli Paste
250 ml of Chicken stock
1 Tablespoon of Soy Sauce
1/4 Cup ( 60 ml) of Rice Vinegar
3 Tablespoons of sugar or honey


 1) Combine the ingredients for the sauce and bring to a boil slowly , bring to a simmer for 2 minutes and set aside.
2) Heat oil in a wok and stir fry the garlic until crispy, remove garlic from wok and set aside
3) Increase the heat to high and add half the Chicken and cook for 5 minutes until browned and set aside and let the meat  on a paper towel , then repeat with the other half of chicken.
4) Then add  the chicken back to the wok with the sauce mix well and serve . Garnish with the crispy garlic and Spring Onion.


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