Chocolate and Pear Pudding

In the UK pears are in Season in the Autumn so now is the best time to make this cake as the pears are so soft and full of flavour.


A tin of pears or 4 Pears cut in half
250 grams of Dark Chocolate , broken up
100 ml of milk
175 grams of unsalted butter
175 grams of light muscovado sugar
4 eggs , lightly beaten
150 grams of self raising flour
75 grams of Ground almonds


1) Grease a 20cm loose bottom cake tin  , cut your pear in half length ways and arrange cut side up.
2) Place the chocolate in a bowl with the milk and melt over a pan of simmering water. Make sure the bowl doesn't come into contact with the water. Once melted leave to cool.
3)Then beat the butter and sugar until it becomes light and fluffy
4) Then continue to beat adding one egg at time. You can add a few tablespoons of flour to prevent curdling.
5) Then stir in the melted chocolate and sift the remaining flour and add the ground almonds and  fold lightly with a metal spoon.
6) Pour on top of the pears and smoothing over the top.
7) Bake for about 1hr 15 minutes at 190 oC
8) Once cooked leave to cool for about half an hour.
9) Whilst cooking  you can make the syrup if your using a tin of pears with syrup then simply boil the syrup until it reduced by half , if you use fresh pears , then use about a  teacup of pear juice and keep adding caster sugar until the simmering mixtures becomes syrupy.
10)  Make a few holes in the cake and add  add a teaspoon of this syrup on top of the holes and repeat until the mixture is totally absorbed.
11) ENJOY !!!!!!

The cake went really with cream


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