Black Forest Roulade

Those that read this blog more regularly know that I love Roulades. This recipe combines the 1970s classic Black Forest Gateaux within a lovely roulade structure.



3 Large Eggs
75g Light Muscovado sugar
50g Cocoa sifted
icing sugar for rolling


200ml of Whipping cream
1 tsp Vanilla extract
2 heaped tbsp of icing sugar
1 tbsp Kirsch
200g of black cherries stoned and halved.


1) Butter a Swiss toll tin and line it with baking paper
2) For the sponge , place the eggs and muscovado sugar in a large bowl and whisk for 8 minutes until it leaves a trail and the volume has increased.
3)Lightly fold the sifted cocoa in two goes and pour the mixture into the prepared tin and smooth it using a palette knife.
4) Give the tin a couple of sharp taps on the work surface to eliminate any  air bubbles then cook in the oven at 200 oC for 8- 10 minutes.
5) Layout a clean towel and sift a fine layer of icing sugar.Turn the cake out on to it and carefully roll it up leaving the paper in place so you end up with a short fat roll. Leave to cool for an hour.
6) To fill the Roulade, whisk the cream, vanilla extract and icing sugar together in a large bowl using an electric whisk until it forms fluffy but firm peaks.
7) Carefully unroll the sponge and peel of the baking paper and brush the sponge using the kirsch using a pastry brush.
8)Then  spread the cream and add the cherries, pushing them gently into the cream and then roll up the sponge again starting at the short end.
9) Dust with icing sugar and keep refrigerated until you are ready to serve


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